Get Your Stubborn Child
to Listen Checklist
New Parenting Tips Training
Got a Strong-Willed Child...? You're not alone.
Parenting a "big personality" child (AKA strong-willed child) is not for wimps! It can cause a loving and patient parent to "lose their poop" ðĐ!
If you're often dealing with a rude child, angry child, or "spirited child" who...
âïļ RARELY takes "no" for an answer...
âïļ Questions E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G (a fact checker, or mini lawyer in the making)...
âïļ NEEDS "herculean convincing" to do simple tasks (like chores, or getting into the car)...
You may find (like I did) that despite your best positive parenting efforts your strong-willed child's driving you crazy! ðĪŠ
"A Dessert Plate Went Flying Past My Head..."
26 years ago, I struggled with 2 stubborn kids. Their SUPERPOWER? Finding ALL my child discipline loopholes! When a ð° dessert plate went flying past my head... I knew something had to change!
I got help from two peaceful parenting experts (along with a master's in counselling).
Their support made a BIG difference.
Other parents noticed our turn around... asked ME for advice. I was interviewed in Today's Parent and spoke with over 1 million parents.
Parenting a strong-willed kid IS hard!
It's why I created the Peaceful Parenting Path™, a 9-step "family reboot system" that inspires more agreeable kids who listen... WITHOUT yelling, nagging, or caving in, so everyone can FINALLY enjoy a peaceful & ð fun home.
"Why Can't I Get My Stubborn Child to Listen?"
Ever see a parent ask their child to do something… and they just do?! ðĩ No argument, no question... no defiant child eye roll?
Anyone who tries to get a stubborn child to listen will find it IMPOSSIBLE! Think of that spirited child (one of my clients calls theirs "Attila the Hun!") who only jumps higher on the bed after you've asked them to stop. ð
It's true: getting a strong-willed child to listen IS impossible IF...
âïļ You take advice from one someone who's never dealt with a bonafide strong-willed child.
âïļ You’re resigned to struggle and “figure it out” solo, instead of investing in yourself and family.
âïļ You use inconsistent parenting because you don’t have a proven peaceful parenting plan.

"The extremes have diminished...The sense of calm in our family has improved our lives substantially. It makes a big difference to go into every day feeling it’s a good day..."

"“Bedtimes have gone from gong-show to a breeze!!!! As the primary breadwinner, it’s been a game changer for me. Things are SO MUCH better, I have more time… we are far more rested and happier people.”

"Our family functions at a higher level... Our seven year old is happier. He’s a lot more cooperative. He’s a lot more helpful. He helps set the table every day—no questions asked."
Let's do this...
Be the parent your kids deserve to have!
(No more losing it, dealing with exhausting child tantrums, or caving in... only to feel mom guilt. Just a proven positive parenting plan with simple steps.)

Get Your Strong-Willed Child to Listen to You… NOW
Access the FREE peaceful parenting checklist and stubborn child training now.
I'm Ready to Get My Angry Child to Respectfully Hear Me!