Qualities of a Good Mom that TAME an Angry Child

Nov 04, 2020

This is the first of 3 qualities of a good mother that TAME an angry child, but without breaking their strong-willed child spirit... or yours. This is essential if you want to so get off that angry child battle field and gain some parenting control… and peace! Phew! Yup, it's possible.

Years ago, I met my match in one angry 7 year old who had an award-winning temper tantrum… in front of hundreds of eyewitnesses. I was so embarrassed! If only I had these qualities of a good mother, then. It would have saved me years of frustration, overwhelm and sheer exhaustion.

A spirited child is tougher to parent, especially when their emotions get the better of them and they're an expert at finding ALL your child discipline loopholes! Sound familiar?

Hi There, I’m Kelly Nault from Joyfully Parenting. I’ve had heaps of questions over the years from dedicated moms wondering how to better parent their angry child, so they’re not living on a constant battle field… where simple things like getting their child out the door, or doing a simple chore is like the drawn out agony that comes from pulling out that first tooth—you know… the one that’s dangling by a thread.

Turns out, there are 3 qualities of a good mother that TAME an angry child, but without breaking their strong-willed child spirit, or yours. This is essential if you want to so step off that chronic angry child battle field and gain some parenting control… and peace! Phew! Yup, it is possible. Believe me I know.

Years ago, I totally met my match in one one angry 7-year-old who had an award-winning temper tantrum at McDonald’s… in front of hundreds of eyewitnesses.

I was so embarrassed! If only I had these qualities of a good mother, then. It would have saved me years of frustration, overwhelm and sheer exhaustion.

A spirited child is tougher to parent, especially when their emotions easily get the better of them and they’re an expert at finding all your child discipline loopholes! Sound familiar?

So let’s jump in.

The first, and arguably most important, of the three qualities of a good mother is what I call, Luminous Leadership™. It’s actually the final step on the SMART Mom Path™. Now this is a three-step family calming reboot system that sets a family up for more harmonious, loving and respectful interactions. Important things indeed, yes?

And embracing Luminous Leadership™ (and, indeed, it can be learned) means knowing how to lovingly connect with your child, even when you need to discipline them. The key is using child discipline to bring out both the lighter and accountable sides in the two of you… WITHOUT letting them walk all over you. This is tres important, especially when faced with a spirited kiddo.

Fortunately, taming an angry child doesn’t have to include overwhelm, exhaustion, nor mom burnout.

Likely of no surprise to you, one of the essential Luminous Leadership™ keys is establishing clear boundaries—ones you feel good about—ones that also match your personal parenting style and values.

BTW if you don’t yet know your unique, I invite you to do so by taking my FREE “What’s Your Mom Type?” quiz. This can shed light on your personal boundary setting habits.

So truth time: how are your parenting boundaries these day? Are you consistent, or are your boundaries weak… or worse, MIA? Is setting consistent boundaries tough for you? When? Which ones? I invite you to share your thoughts with me. Also, are you clear on your personal SMART Mom nonnegotiables? More importantly, can, and do, you share these without a ‘hole lot of anger?

See all kids, especially strong-willed ones, need to know there’s a calm parent in charge… one who’s got a confident parenting backbone and isn’t afraid to use it for the betterment of their family. BTW did you hear my emphasis on the word “calm?” Frankly, parenting while staying calm requires you put on your big-girl pants and BE the Parent! Makes sense, yes?

But have you discovered, as I did, that stepping up to “be the parent” is easier said, than done?  

Now I get it. I really do.

When I was smack dab in my McDonald’s happy meal drama, I was not feeling like the happy, nor confident parent in charge. Nope, I was deeply embarrassed and all I wanted to do was raise my mama white surrender flag and be swallowed up by the floor.

Maybe you can relate?

Are you living with a spirited child who’s got your parenting-frustration-trigger button on speed dial? Are you dealing with a kid who laughs demonically while stuffing peas up their sibling’s nose, or melts down when they don’t want to wear the outfit they begged you to buy them only last week, or, perhaps—like what happened during our McDonald’s outing—they sometimes give you their best Storm Trooper moves and attempt to hit you. Yikes!

Can you say mom embarrassment to the moon and back? I can relate.

Sadly, few moms have got the spirited child parenting chops to turn their parenting drama around. I sure didn’t. So if you’re in a similar boat, know you don’t need to struggle alone in the parenting deep end. Turns out one of my superpowers is helping moms with strong-willed children, so they can eliminate the exhausting tantrums and tension.

The reality is an angry child can, and will, test one’s parenting skills to the max!

What I’ve discovered since my own McDonald’s PTSD trauma is there’s qualities of a good mother that consistently take the edge off parenting an angry child. These’ll increase the odds your angry child will listen to you, respect you and better guarantees they don’t become an entitled, nor spoiled child.

You see, what I’ve discovered is that it all comes down to whether, or not you’ve got a customized parenting path that works for both you and your spirited kiddo. I call this the SMART Mom Path™. Now in the next blog we’ll cover the final two qualities of a good mother that tame an angry child and I hope you’ll join me.

BTW if you’ve found value in this video, I invite you subscribe to my YouTube channel, or better yet sign up for my FREE mini course called, Child Tantrums: Your Peaceful Mom Solution.


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